30+ Minute Recorded Yoga Offerings

30+ Minute Recorded Yoga Offerings


This offering is for anyone who wants to try yoga or keep a daily practice at the time that lines up with your schedule. The offerings will continue to grow as online teaching continues to expand. Classes are geared for beginner to intermediate practitioner.

  • Unleash tension in neck/shoulders/spine- This 34 minute yoga session welcomes easeful movement for the upper body. Gather any supported props for under hips for seated poses. Honor your body’s measure in each pose, meet the body where it is, not where you think it should be..those shoulds show up in the neck and shoulders.

  • Gentle yoga for Legs/Hips-This 37 minute yoga session encourages attention to lower body including hips, legs, ankles and feet. Receive an increase in stability, awareness and power for both body/mind/heart template. Leave the practice stronger and calmer.

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