Soulful Reflection Retreat (postponed date tba)
Join us for a 2 day overnight retreat /workshop
focusing on the power and importance
of healthy self-esteem.
Join us for a 2 day overnight retreat /workshop
focusing on the power and importance
of healthy self-esteem.
The intention of this workshop is to introduce yoga as a living, breathing step towards healing. This workshop you will help you find a clearer understanding of the parallels with yoga and recovery as they both are inner journey of Self.
Join us for a two day workshop to explore ways
to create a pathway to healing.
An introduction to the body’s energy centers.
Yoga workshop for golf enthusiasts
This 6 week workshop will be designed to give each student tools to:
Strengthen mindfulness through meditation practices
Stretches to enhance flexibility through warming up spine/shoulders/hips
Relaxation to create inner balance & healthier perspective